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Additional ResourcesNeed technical information on our products? Need help with troubleshooting? Want to download the latest firmware or do you want to know more about power factor corrected charging?

You are at the right place. The Xantrex support pages are your gateway to access our comprehensive resource of Technical Documents including FAQs, white papers, installation manuals etc. These resources can help you diagnose and resolve majority of product related issues.

Your enquiry may already be answered by an FAQ article available in our FAQ knowledge base. Click here to search, before you submit your enquiry

We are just a call or email away if you cannot resolve your problem using available information on the support pages.

Open Hours:

5:30am-4:30pm PST, Mon-Fri

Please note that for products under warranty, we require Xantrex product part number and proof of purchase or date of vehicle registration at the time of your call. We cannot assist without this information.

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